Check our 'practical information' section to find the answer you need about your event Trail du Saint-Jacques by UTMB.
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Before registering, make sure you have an active MyUTMB account. You can find all the account setup information for MyUTMB here
If you are attempting to register during the priority registration period and you do not have a valid UTMB Index, please try again from August, 21st.
If during your registration process the page is looping, please try using a different device and/or browser. We recommend using a computer and the Chrome browser to optimize your registration process. If your payment has been declined, please try again with a different credit card or contact your bank.
Registrations open on August 19th for runners with a valid UTMB Index, and then on August, 24st for everyone on a first-come, first-served basis, without pre-registration or drawing. The registration period will continue until all the bibs available are sold.
If you have completed the registration process but haven't received a confirmation email, there could be several explanations.
First, please check if the payment has been successfully processed and your account has been debited. If you haven't been charged, try the registration process again. If the payment has been successfully processed and you still haven't received a confirmation email, please don't hesitate to contact us through our contact form here.
Runners may cancel their registration at any time via their runner's area.
-** If you HAVE taken out the cancellation insurance**, depending on the reason for cancellation, you may be entitled to a full refund. To do so, you need to access your registration dashboard and click on Apply for a refund to cancel your registration and fill out the refund request form which will be addressed to the insurance. ATTENTION: before cancelling your registration, please make sure you have read the general terms and conditions HERE.
- If you have NOT taken out the registration cancellation insurance, no refund will be possible. You can check our registration conditions here. To cancel your registration, access your registration dashboard and click on the Cancel my registration button.
Registration is personal. No bib transfer or deferral to the following year will be possible.
Please note that even in case of injury, it will not be possible to transfer or defer your registration.
GPX files will be available for download from the race pages a few days before the event. Some of the trails used are private. For safety reasons, we are not going to communicate GPX files in advance.
- Ultra du Saint Jacques - 100M
- Grand Trail - 100K
- Les Chibottes - 20K
- Monistrail - 50K
- Les Chibottes - 20K
- Le 12 du Dolaizon
- Rando
Warning : Changes are still possible.
2024 edition
You can find and download your individual photos here
Being a finisher in one of the Trail du Saint Jacques races allows you to earn running stones:
- Ultra du Saint Jacques: 4
- Grand Trail: 3
- Maratrail: 2
- Les Chibottes: 1
Following the race, you will also have a valid UTMB Index in the chosen race category (visible on your My UTMB account).